Sam Hyde is a comedian and internet personality known for his controversial and edgy humor.

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Hyde has faced allegations of having connections to the alt-right and neo-Nazi movements due to some of his content and associations.

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Doja Cat, a popular musician and rapper, posted a picture on social media wearing a T-shirt featuring a cartoon image of Sam Hyde.

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The image of Doja Cat wearing the T-shirt sparked immediate backlash on social media platforms, with many users accusing her of promoting or endorsing controversial figures.

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Hyde addressed the controversy on his own social media accounts, claiming that the T-shirt image was not officially licensed or endorsed by him.

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Doja Cat later clarified her stance, stating that she was unaware of Hyde's controversial associations and that she didn't intend to support any harmful ideologies.

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The incident prompted a broader discussion about the responsibility of public figures in choosing their attire and the potential implications of seemingly endorsing controversial individuals.

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The controversy also reignited debates about "cancel culture" and whether it's fair to hold individuals accountable for their associations or actions, even if they claim ignorance.

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