After being diagnosed with a rare blood cancer in early 2022, Sam Neill has returned to acting and winemaking after a year in remission.

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Infusions of a medication that his tumor has been responding nicely to so far – for the time being – are given to Neill every two weeks.

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Neill, 76, said in a 30-minute Australian Story documentary aired Monday that he'll keep doing this until the treatment stops working.

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Like "going 10 rounds with a boxer, but it's keeping me alive, and being alive is infinitely preferable to the alternative," he remarked.

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No, I'm not afraid of dying. Never concerned me from the start. He claimed he would be annoyed since he still wanted to do stuff. 

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His son Tim Neill-Harrow remarked in the documentary that his father dislikes discussing his sickness. “I'm not interested in cancer,” Sam Neill said. "I'm thinking about stuff other than cancer.

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Almost immediately after that, Neill began what he referred to as "conventional chemotherapies" for a few months. He described these treatments as "brutal."

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Hematologist Dr. Orly Lavee said in the documentary that "the tumor started to outsmart the drugs before we even got through the first regimen." So they needed another medication.

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