David Scott, a senior vice president at ExxonMobil and the head of the company's shale operations, has been arrested on allegations of sexual harassment. 

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ExxonMobil issued a statement acknowledging the allegations but refrained from providing further comments on the matter.

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The Financial Times reported that David Scott faced charges of second-degree felony assault.

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ExxonMobil emphasizes that all its employees, officers, and directors are expected to uphold the highest standards of integrity and a code of conduct.

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As a result of the allegations, David Scott will not continue his work responsibilities during the investigation

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The news of David Scott's arrest comes shortly after reports suggested that ExxonMobil was in takeover discussions with Pioneer Natural Resources. 

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A potential merger with Pioneer Natural Resources could be the largest deal for Exxon since its merger with Mobil in the 1990s 

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This merger would position ExxonMobil as a dominant producer in the Permian Basin, a significant shale region

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Pioneer Natural Resources has a market cap of approximately $50 billion, while ExxonMobil boasts a market cap of $436 billion and substantial financial resources. 

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The acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources would significantly enhance Exxon's shale oil production in the Permian Basin, a domain David Scott was responsible for among other operations 

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