Begin by introducing the ongoing feud or controversy between Drake and Rihanna, highlighting the diss track that has caught the public's attention.

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Discuss Drake's recent public statement or interview where he expresses his desire to start a family with Rihanna.

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Explore Rihanna's response to Drake's confession. Does she share the same sentiment, or is there a different perspective from her side

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Provide a brief background on Drake and Rihanna's relationship history, emphasizing key moments, collaborations, and breakups.

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Analyze the diss track in question. What are the lyrics, and who is it aimed at? Discuss the controversy and buzz surrounding the track.

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Incorporate viewpoints from other celebrities or insiders in the music industry. How have they responded to the ongoing drama?

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Conclude the story by discussing what the future might hold for Drake and Rihanna. Will they continue their feud, reconcile, or move on separately

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Highlight how fans and the public have reacted to both Drake's desire for a family and the diss track. Include social media trends, fan comments, and memes.

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